Long distance cross- border hiking trail «The Forest Trail»(Video)

Anna Palelione | 2021.07.23

The Forest Trail's Northern part (from Riga-Tallinn) is being currently developed under the Central Baltic program project No. 779 'Long distance cross border hiking trail 'The Forest Trail'', while the Southern part (from the Lithuanian / Polish border through Kurzeme to Riga) is being developed within the project LLI-448 "Development of Forest trail In Latvia and Lithuania and expanding the Baltic Coastal Hiking route in Lithuania". Both trails will be part of the E11 route of the European long distance hiking trail network by ERA – European Ramblers’ Association. The total length of the Forest Trail in all three Baltic states will be more than 2000 km, and the trail will include all forest types and wildlife features typical of the Baltic States.

Avots: baltictrails.eu

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